The Compliance and Policy sub-topic provides detailed insights into determining the components of a remuneration system, understanding market rates, job evaluation, creating a remuneration policy and compliance considerations. It contains articles and tools to support employers to create the right foundation for their business.

Once an organisation has determined a remuneration strategy and objectives based on its business strategy - what it wants to reward, it is then in a position to develop an aligned remuneration management system. This entails deciding how to reward. How to reward involves making many decisions about:

  • Process and governance.
  • Remuneration mix (fixed and/or variable components).
  • Sourcing and applying relevant remuneration data and review cycles.
  • Industrial frameworks and compliance.

Market rate positioning and job evaluation are key components of compliance and policy, and these are outlined within the articles in this section. Employers can learn more about pay secrecy and access some tools to assist in the creation of a Remuneration Policy to guide their employees and to create the right framework for the business. In addition, there are many compliance considerations that each business needs to be guided by and it is recommended that employers seek specialist advice from Ai Group.

Compliance and Policy is designed to support new leaders or HR professionals who are seeking to build their knowledge, confidence and competency in remuneration management.

Members can learn more about this sub-topic by accessing our Compliance and Policy Guide.

Templates & Tools

