There are 165,000 organisations in the supply chain which are affected by the latest CoR reforms, many of which still don’t seem to understand that they could be exposed to massive penalties for breaches in CoR when reforms came in during 2018.
The purpose of this topic is to assist participants to recognise and develop various communication techniques and skills to minimise communication problems and breakdowns. Emphasis will be placed on developing effective communication patterns, questioning and listening skills.
The purpose of this topic is to assist participants (managers/supervisors) to develop skills that should help them to improve the performance of individuals in the workplace. This session also examines the legal requirements of performance management and discipline.
A toolbox meeting is used to inform employees on topics related to the safety, operational matters, quality, and productivity.
An effective toolbox meeting is one of the most vital methods of proactive communication and consultation within any organisation. However, sometimes these meeting fall short of the mark bringing significant risk.
These programs will introduce or equipe your leading hands, supervisors or managers with the techniques and skills needed to plan and conduct effective and productive toolbox meetings.
This one day program helps participants successfully transition from worker to the Leading Hand role. Participants will learn how to get the best out of their team, get the work done through planning and delegation and apply effective consultation processes to solve problems.
Navigating employment awards can be a perplexing task. Recent changes to some Awards might be confusing and perhaps you are unsure which path to follow. Ai Group's Digital Classroom® is pleased to offer 1.5-hour sessions which explore the current Awards in detail.
Managing workers compensation across multiple jurisdictions can be a difficult task. Recognising the challenges, Ai Group has developed an online training program in our Digital Classroom®, supported by an easy to follow resource tool, which will enable you to confidently navigate through the legislative and administrative requirements for these five states - NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA.
The course has been broken down into short sessions and is structured so you will attend 4 x 2 hour sessions over a two week period.
This one day program helps participants successfully transition from worker to the Leading Hand role. Participants will learn how to get the best out of their team, get the work done through planning and delegation and apply effective consultation processes to solve problems.
This module of the excellence series focuses on Leadership.
This leadership module will assist you to bring out the best in others by applying and adapting your leadership style and managing the conditions that drive individual and team performance.
Navigating employment awards can be a perplexing task. Recent changes to some Awards might be confusing and perhaps you are unsure which path to follow. Ai Group's Digital Classroom® is pleased to offer 1.5-hour sessions which explore the current Awards in detail.
Family and domestic violence is not just a private matter. An employee experiencing family and domestic violence may experience heightened financial pressure, homelessness, isolation, helplessness and even a sense of embarrassment. Without appropriate support and assistance, there can also be significant implications for the workplace.
This two day program covers practical tools and techniques that every leader needs. Leading Hands and Supervisors will be introduced to the essential elements of leading people at work and ensuring compliance with relevant workplace legislation.
This 2-hour online course will empower you with the fundamentals needed to secure yourself, your family, and your business against common cyber-threats.
It will dive into the simple and effective measures you must have in place—practical no-cost steps you can implement immediately to reduce your risk.