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In Part 2 of our HR Fundamentals Webinar Series, we provided key recommendations and practical guidance on managing underperformance.

Employee underperformance exists to various degrees in all businesses. Unaddressed, it can affect the organisation's financial performance and lead to employee absenteeism, resignation and even workers' compensation claims. If mismanaged, it can also lead to various claims alleging unfair dismissal, breaches of the general protections and bullying under the Fair Work Act.

Businesses ought to ensure:

  • performance concerns are raised promptly with employees; and
  • measures taken to address those concerns are both reasonable and consistent with requirements outlined in an industrial instrument/ employment contract/ policy or procedure.

It is also crucial that supervisors, managers and others responsible for managing underperformance are equipped with the necessary tools to confidently address any concerns.

This webinar provided some key recommendations and practical guidance on appropriately managing underperformance. We also discussed the risks.

Case studies provided highlight where employers have got it right and not-so-right, and what the implications can be.


Katie Hossain, Lawyer with Ai Group Workplace Lawyers, Workplace Relations Adviser of Ai Group

Daniel Murray, Legal Practitioner Director of Ai Group Workplace Lawyers, Principal Adviser Workplace Relations of Ai Group


Terry Crotty, Regional Manager NSW, Ai Group

What's next?

See what webinars we have planned in our Events Calendar.