What is an employee under the Manufacturing Award entitled to be paid if they perform one hour of overtime before their shift and then start to perform ordinary hours but go home sick before the end of the day?

Employees that have performed overtime prior to ordinary hours of work would be entitled to receive payment for that overtime. In this event, as the work has already been performed as overtime prior to the normal ordinary hours of work, it cannot then be substituted for ordinary hours.

Employees that have performed ordinary hours would be entitled to receive payment for those ordinary hours.

Employees who are entitled to paid personal/carer’s leave are entitled to be paid for their ordinary hours of work in the relevant period. In this way, an employee who left work due to illness and who still had ordinary hours owing for the rest of the day would be entitled to be paid personal leave for those remaining ordinary hours.

Further information

Please call the Ai Group Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 66 77 for further information about overtime payments under any award or industrial instrument.