What do we do if we don’t know if a material is asbestos?
Identifying asbestos can be difficult, especially if the business does not know what they are looking for!
This is further complicated by the fact that asbestos is naturally occurring. The best solution is to make sure the material in question is not disturbed and is tested by a NATA laboratory. An Occupational Hygienist can undertake this work.
If a business is leasing a property and are unsure if asbestos is in the building they operate, the controller of the premises (normally the owner representative or managing agent) should make an asbestos register available (this is a requirement under the Work Health Safety Regulations). Depending on the lease conditions, the business may be required to engage a suitably competent and qualified consultant to undertake a survey of its workplace.
Some key facts to know to minimise asbestos risk.
Ai Group has competent and accredited asbestos specialists. Pleasecontact us or call Ai Group's Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 6677 for assistance.
An asbestos survey is an effective way of identifying if the premises has asbestos containing materials. A suitably competent and qualified occupational hygienist can provide the business with information about the location, amount and type of any asbestos-containing materials. It is the responsibility of the business (and landlord or premises owner, if relevant) to arrange a survey if it is suspected there could be asbestos-containing materials in the building.
The asbestos survey can help to provide enough information so an asbestos register, a risk assessment and management plan can be prepared. The survey may involve sampling and analysis to determine if asbestos is present.
Ai Group has competent and accredited asbestos specialists.For assitance please contact us or call Ai Group's Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 6677.
If asbestos is to be removed from the premises, a licensed asbestos contractor must be used. There are two types of licenses for asbestos removal:
Class A: Business with class A are permitted to remove all types of asbestos, including both friable and non-friable asbestos.
Class B: These types of business can only remove non-friable or bonded asbestos.
For asistance in identifying an appropriate asbestos contractor please contact us or call Ai Group's Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 66 77.