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The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs report suggests that technology and the clean economy transition are expected to change the nature of nearly a quarter of jobs (23 per cent) by 2027.

At the same time, companies have reported that skills gaps and an inability to attract talent are the key barriers to unlocking the transformation, showing a clear need for training and reskilling. The Future of Jobs report found six in 10 workers will require training before 2027, but only half of these employees are seen to have access to adequate training opportunities today.

Join Ai Group Centre for Education and Training - the Australian survey partner of the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 report - to explore the key findings of the report and the ways in which these global trends will affect the Australian industry.

In this webinar, we discussed, what can we do to ensure that Australian industry, government and the education and training system have the right policy settings in place to meet these evolving challenges and how should the education and training system respond to the rapidly evolving macroeconomic trends that are radically shifting the way our economies are structured?


Innes Willox, Chief Executive, Ai Group

Sam Grayling, Insights Lead, Work, Wages and Job Creation, World Economic Forum

Louise McGrath, Head of Industry Development and Policy, Ai Group

Tennant Reed, Director, Climate Change and Energy, Ai Group


Megan Lilly, Executive Director, Centre for Education & Training, Ai Group

What's next?

See what webinars we have planned in our Events Calendar.