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In today’s complex world and competitive markets, well developed innovation competencies are fundamental to the organisation’s ability to adapt and grow.

This webinar provides you and your team with an overview of ISO56000 Innovation Management System compliant innovation practices and the immediately actionable know-how to start implementing persistent innovation capabilities and culture within your business tomorrow!

Using case studies and videos, this workshop will give you a practical understanding of:

  • Organisational context to innovation: The 3 Horizons and 10 sources of innovation and how this impact on the cost of exploring new ideas vs the revenue from exploiting them.
  • Innovation leadership: How to set the direction, tone, importance, and culture of innovation and to provide the infrastructure and resources for successful implementation.
  • Return on Innovation Investment (ROII): How to design and implement appropriate management oversight processes providing a stage-gate process in line with the five innovation steps of ISO56000.
  • Efficient innovation processes: How to design systems, processes, work, and information flow that maximises the efficiency and effectiveness of value creation through innovation.
  • Customer centricity: How to incorporate the Voice of Customer in your operational processes to form insights, capture ideas, and develop detailed concepts and solutions.
  • Ingrained innovation culture: Ho to develop a workforce that engaged, structured, resourced and supported to deliver excellence in identifying, developing, and deploying innovative ideas.


Gabor Hernadi, Principal Consultant – Brand & Innovation, Ai Group

Yonca Crew, Principal Consultant – Strategy & Org Development

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