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Now, more than ever, it is vital to understand your business numbers so that you can make better, more informed decisions. This gives your business the best chance of maintaining profitability and emerging from the Coronavirus crisis in the best shape possible, and allows you to take advantage of the opportunities when things turn around later.

In this webinar, Anil Puri, from Chan & Naylor Business Coaching, explained:

  • Profit & loss statements and balance sheets
  • KPIs and the importance of tracking the key numbers
  • Your break-even point
  • Setting revenue targets and activity targets for your team
  • The fundamentals of good cashflow management
  • The power of pricing (and the danger of discounting)

This webinar will teach you the fundamentals of business financials and the key numbers that you should be tracking in your business. It will leave you with the confidence to look at your numbers with a new sense of understanding and clarity and this will lead you to become a more capable and successful business owner or manager.

What's next?

See what webinars we have planned in our Events Calendar.