This Member Advice provides important information about:

• Airborne contaminants:
    - Ai Group webinar – 19 August 2024
    - Regulations of crystalline silica substances
    - Safe Work Australia (SWA) work on airborne contaminants. Ai Group needs to engage with Members who use or produce these substances to ensure impacts are well understood before decisions are made:
        - Impact assessment in relation to proposed changes to the workplace exposure standards for respirable crystalline silica, benzene, chlorine, copper formaldehyde, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide, titanium dioxide and hydrogen cyanide.
        - Regulation of 33 chemicals that are described as non-threshold genotoxic chemicals (NTGCs). A full list of these chemicals is included in the Advice.

• Model WHS Laws – Decision by WHS Ministers to approve changes to the Incident Notification Regulations

• Inquiries and public comment:
    - Western Australia – Draft Code of Practice: Psychosocial hazards at work for fly-in-flyout in the resources and construction sector.

• Publications of interest

• Opportunities to engage in policy discussions that are not public comment processes.

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