This Member Advice provides important information about:
• Labour hire companies in Victoria – Recommended actions in relation WorkCover
premiums; correct claim allocation and upcoming compliance program.

• Legislation update
o Audiometric testing – NSW and WA
o South Australia – Industrial Manslaughter offences
o Victoria – New regulations for telehandlers
o Commonwealth – Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency

• Bills in Parliament
o Victoria – Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment
(WorkCover Scheme Modernisation) Bill 2023
o Queensland – Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

• New or updated codes and guidance material
o Model WHS Code – Sexual and gender-based harassment
o Victoria – Updated compliance code for workplace facilities and the working

• Consultation on WHS and workers’ compensation issues
o Victoria – WorkCover Regulations
o Victoria – Sentencing Advisory Council review of OHS sentencing
o Queensland – Independent review of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
o New South Wales – Industrial manslaughter legislation
o Publications and data of interest
• Opportunities to engage in policy discussions that are not public comment processes

• Ai Group’s WHS Connect

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