The Australian Industry Group has congratulated the Victorian Government and Opposition for reaching agreement on the current WorkSafe bill in Parliament and achieving a freeze in WorkCover premiums.
The Victorian head of the peak employer association, Ai Group, Tim Piper, said: "The Government's deal with the Opposition will ensure there are very low WorkCover premium increases next year and will also enable business to have a more influential say in the WorkSafe business.
"The Minister, Danny Pearson and the Shadow Minister, Cindy McLeish, together with the Leader of the Opposition, John Pesutto, have worked hard on this Bill and in so doing have achieved a win for the state economy and a win for employers.
"The Opposition was able to stick to its plan and deliver a freeze on premiums to business. That's a big deal for employers. It also enables the Government to offer a new and improved WorkSafe business model, together with a future review, which will look at how to improve the WorkSafe system further," Mr Piper said.
"In the short-term business has done well because of the pragmatic approach. Now we need to ensure those hard won gains can be developed and maintained through the coming review expected later this year.
"The welcome pragmatic response from the parties will ensure businesses are not lumbered with additional WorkCover premiums next year," Mr Piper said.

Further comment

Tim Piper – 0411 430 301