"The University-Industry Collaboration Review released today provides timely analysis that focusses on the all important strengthening of relationships between business and universities," Innes Willox, Chief Executive of the national employer association Ai Group said today.

"Increasing higher-education and industry collaboration is an economic issue, with benefits that will be shared by individuals, industry and, of course, universities.
"The review, led by Emeritus Professor Martin Bean CBE and Emeritus Professor Peter Dawkins AO, contains seven recommendations aimed at building on partnerships and strengthening relationships between industry and the higher education sector.  
"The report focusses heavily on the importance of work placements and other innovative employment-based learning opportunities, such as cadetships and internships. This will really lift the relevance of the experience of the student and improve their employability. 
"Additional support for employers to provide meaningful work-integrated learning opportunities will assist with expanding this highly successful approach. The dividends will accrue to all.
"Ai Group is particularly keen to see supported piloting of cadetships and internships. We should aim to scale these models in a similar way to those in the UK and Germany.
"Ai Group was involved in the working group that guided this review and commends Professor Dawkins and Professor Bean on their work," Mr Willox said.

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Tony Melville – 0419 190 347