“Ai Group congratulates Angus Taylor on the confirmation of his appointment to the role as Industry Minister. This portfolio will be critically important for business to help drive the post-COVID-19 recovery and to facilitate the resumption of productivity growth that is required to underwrite sustained improvements in Australian living standards,” Innes Willox, Chief Executive of the national employer association Ai Group said today.
“Employers will be looking to the Minister to deliver on an agenda that helps drive local investment, job creation and smart sovereignty, as the economy recovers from the COVID-downturn and then, beyond recovery, as we gear for the future development of our economy.
“The reshuffle has separated Industry from Science and Technology with the latter responsibilities moving to Melissa Price. Industry and Science and Technology work hand-in-hand and one of the challenges of the new arrangements will be to ensure that we continue to make progress in broadening and deepening collaboration between industry and our science and technology organisations.
“It is important that Minister Price retains a strong focus on developing Australia’s defence industry capabilities.
“We also welcome the announced plan for the reopening of our international border and the elevation of Immigration Minister Alex Hawke to Cabinet. Having a strong voice in Cabinet will be essential to successfully rebooting our immigration program once the borders re-open. Returning to pre-COVID levels of skilled migration and getting our international students back on shore will be major contributors to our COVID recovery.
“The international border reopening plan will assist getting Australian industry back out into the world and getting to markets. We’ve been missing in action for far too long.
“The announced approval of a number of international vaccines is also welcome because it removes uncertainty over the status of skilled migrant workers, tourists and students,” Mr Willox said.
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Tony Melville – 0419 190 347