"The State Government should be commended on its recent decision to waive the waste levy to help aid the recovery and rebuilding of local communities impacted by the bushfires," Waste Industry Alliance Head, Tim Piper, said today.
"The Waste Industry Alliance (WIA), comprised of major waste companies in the State, supports decisions dealing with bushfire-generated waste being be made as soon as possible. It gives the communities and industries impacted the support they need to dispose of their waste. We are pleased the Government has acted decisively.
"The waiver is for a limited period and may need to be extended given the nature of the clean up which will need to be undertaken.
"The WIA also encourages the Government to consider other measures dealing with waste.
"One of the many consequences of these terrible fires is the large volume of residue from burnt buildings and vehicles. Some residue from older buildings will contain asbestos. This bushfire-generated waste must be disposed of quickly, easily and safely, and in order to do that clear direction and certainty from government is essential.
"The waiving of the waste levy is an important and welcome step, and now Government must also consider how best to deal with waste which may contain asbestos.
"The State Government, supported by Worksafe and the EPA, should offer confidence and clarity to communities on this matter as soon as possible.
"It’s not just the local communities we need to safeguard, it’s also the workers at the waste sites that need support and guidance as they deal with potentially hazardous bushfire generated waste,” Mr Piper said.
Media enquiries: Tim Piper – 0411 430 301
Tim Piper is Victorian Head of the Australian Industry Group