"Tomorrow’s national cabinet must commit to reopening Australia’s internal domestic borders ahead of any plans to ease international travel restrictions," Innes Willox Chief Executive of the national employer association Ai Group said today.
"It is pleasing and timely that consideration will be given by National Cabinet as to how to reconnect Australians to the world. We now have among the globe’s tightest travel restrictions and our low case numbers and improved quarantine arrangements make it highly desirable for business and family connections that international travel should start to ramp up.
"However, it would be plainly embarrassing that a person from Singapore or Japan could travel to Queensland or Western Australia before a person from Victoria could set foot easily in those states. The politicisation of state borders needs to end to allow Australians to travel and work together in the best interests of the national economy and our overall health and well-being," Mr Willox said.
Media enquiries: Tony Melville – 0419 190 347