Ai Group has strongly welcomed the NSW Government's $2.3 billion health and economic stimulus package in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mark Goodsell, NSW-Head of the national employer association Ai Group, said today: "Extra health funding is very important in the front-line fight against the COVID-19 virus. The support for business and jobs is equally vital. Payroll tax relief will feed straight into business cashflow over the next three months as will waiving a range of fees and charges for some small businesses.
"$250 million to employ additional cleaners of public infrastructure will add important job opportunities for many whose incomes are most immediately threatened.
"$750 million to bring forward minor capital works and maintenance on public assets can also be a quick release stimulus.
"The Government should consider making further moves to boost the capacity of firms to keep open and employing. These include:
Media contact: Mark Goodsell 0418 408 871