Ai Group is contracted to engage with employers and stakeholders in the manufacturing, mining and resources industries to provide advice to the Queensland Government about current and emerging industry direction, regional skills needs and training solutions, jobs growth and employment opportunities. This advice informs the Queensland Government’s training and skills priorities and decision making, including program design and investment settings.
Manufacturing contacts:
Wayne Lee:
Lisa Gilbert:
Mining and resources contact:
Mel Ireland:
Visit Ai Group's Queensland page for more state-based activity
Ai Group's MISAs engage with employers, small business and other industry stakeholders to provide high quality, evidence-based industry advice and intelligence about current and emerging industry direction, regional skills needs and training solutions, jobs growth and employment opportunities. This advice will:
One of the key strategies we employ to ensure DESBT is receiving current advice from industry is through Industry Reference Groups (IRG) covering five key sectors of the manufacturing industry:
Other key sectors of manufacturing are represented on the Advanced Manufacturing IRG. The groups generally meet quarterly via TEAMs and representation includes manufacturers from all of the regions of Queensland. Agenda topics generally include; skilling requirements and initiatives, Training Package updates, review and recommendations of funding allocation and most importantly a quality focus. From IRGs, working parties often evolve to focus on specific projects to provide a solution to specific skilling needs.
If, like our existing IRG members, you want to make a difference please contact one of our friendly Manufacturing Industry Skills Advisers and read on to learn more about the projects we are involved in.
0411 715 510
Food & Beverage processing; Laboratory operations; Meat processing; Printing & graphic arts; Textiles, clothing and footwear
0419 841 852
Advanced manufacturing; Aeroskills; Aviation engineering; Defence manufacturing; Engineering; Hydrogen processing; Furnishing; Process plant operations; Textiles, clothing, footwear; Sustainability
TCF Funding & Training Project: To develop and implement skilling strategies which will support a growing Textiles industry.
Hydrogen Skilling Project: Ensure Queensland educators stand at the cutting edge of hydrogen skill development so that the workforce has access to world-class hydrogen training which will underpin domestic utilisation and export.
Degree Apprenticeship: A pilot that combines a degree in engineering with a Certificate III trade qualification, all delivered as an apprenticeship. Combining theoretical and practical skills gained and applied in the workplace.
Advanced Machining Skills Project: Develop the Learning and Assessment materials so that apprentices can acquire advanced machining skills.
Skills Shortage Project: Identify engineering occupations which are currently in skills shortage within the regions of Queensland and develop strategies which will attract potential apprentices to be skilled.
Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Leadership): Working with Industry and DESBT we have requested the qualification be declared a traineeship to be delivered in Queensland.
Higher Level Qualifications Funding: Working with Industry and DESBT to identify higher level qualifications requiring funding to address Food and Beverage Manufacturing industry shortage.
Soft Furnishings Skilling Project: To identify and implement potential skilling solutions utilising nationally accredited training for the Soft Furnishings sector in Queensland. This project will also include attraction strategies.
Lean Manufacturing: Working with Industry and DESBT we changed the priority setting of the Certificate III and IV qualifications so that more workers are eligible for funding to undertake this critical training which will enhance the productivity and the profitability of businesses.
Clothing Manufacturing: Working with Industry and DESBT we had the MST30819 Certificate III in Applied Fashion Design and Technology (Clothing Technician) qualification declared as a traineeship to be delivered in Queensland and added to the funded training list.
Certificate IV in Meat Processing (Quality Assurance): Working with Industry and DESBT we had the qualification declared as a traineeship to be delivered in Queensland and added to the funded training list so that more workers are eligible for funding to undertake this qualification.
Get in touch with the Centre for Education & Training to discuss your company’s skills issues and plans, our research and reports, or to join the Member Forum or Centre Network.
Address: Level 5, 441 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
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