On 10 November Victoria University's Mitchell Institute and the Australian Industry Group’s Centre for Education and Training brought together around 50 experts to discuss the themes and reform agenda found within the newly launched book, Rethinking Tertiary Education: Building on the Work of Peter Noonan.

The group included the book's authors and editors, researchers, policy advisors, public servants and policy makers who discussed:

  • the proposed reform of the Australian Qualifications Framework and the concepts of a national skills taxonomy and national skills passport;
  • the governance of the proposed harmonised tertiary system including the idea of a tertiary education commission;
  • funding reform for higher education and VET; and
  • the need for parity of esteem between VET and higher education.

The outcomes of the Roundtable's discussion will be fed into current government policy initiatives, ensuring Peter Noonan's legacy lives on within a tertiary system that provides all with the opportunity to build knowledge and skills for their own, for industry's, and for Australia's, future.

Megan Lilly

Head of Education & Training

Megan has an enduring commitment to research, policy and advocacy in education and training, especially in relation to work.  In leading the work of the Centre, Megan represents members on a diverse number of international, national, and state based committees, councils and boards. Megan is a strong advocate for reform and has been involved in key national reforms over many years. Megan is firm in the belief the capacity of education and training to transform lives.