To support the Commonwealth Government’s National Hydrogen Strategy, the Government of South Australia’s Department for Energy and Mining and the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Skills and Employment have engaged PwC’s Skills for Australia to conduct a National Hydrogen Skills and Training Analysis.
The analysis will identify and plan for the future skills and training needs of Australians working with hydrogen. The analysis aims to build a clear view of the workforce in six key areas of the hydrogen supply chain, with a final report due May 2022. The six in-scope areas of the supply chain are:
The Centre for Education and Training is a member of the Industry Reference Committee/Skills Service Organisation Working Group to the project and is providing feedback and advice on behalf of industry. The Working Group is currently exploring emerging job roles and skills needs insights as well as any gaps in analysis. If your business wants to feed into the process and have your views represented at the Working Group meetings, please contact Paolo Damante, Senior Policy Officer, Ai Group Centre for Education and Training via email or call (03) 9867 0134.
If stakeholders wish to be advised of the review’s progress, you can register your interest here.