Updated 15 Nov 2024Print this page

This Sample: Shortlist Scoring Form can assist in the initial shortlisting of applicants and can help determine who will proceed to the next stage in the process (which may be an interview or another selection-based method).

The key selection criteria should be reviewed against job applications and the candidates who score the strongest should proceed to the next stage of the selection process.

In the case of a large number of applications being received, it may be preferable to undertake an initial ‘longlist’ before using this form, removing those who quite clearly are not appropriate for the role. In addition, if a particularly large number of longlisted applicants have scored highly, the shortlisting process may need to be repeated, applying the criteria more stringently to ensure only the best candidates are shortlisted.

Ideally this form should be completed in consultation with the selection panel to avoid bias (where interviews are a key selection method). Please note, weighting scales can be used if there are significant differences in the importance of key selection criteria.

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