Updated 15 Nov 2024Print this page

This Sample: Applicant Acknowledgement Letter/ Email can be used by organisations to acknowledge receipt of job applications from applicants. It is best practice to contact applicants to notify them of the process and any next steps.

It should be adapted to suit the needs of the organisation and its processes. Employers provide an acknowledgement email to applicants after receiving their application for several reasons including:

  • To confirm that the application was successfully received and that the company is engaged in the hiring process.
  • To express appreciation for the interest and effort of the applicant for applying for the position.
  • To inform the applicant about the status of their application and to advise any next steps if applicable.
  • To display a positive image of the business and to foster goodwill. This is usually the first step in an application process and it is an opportunity to show professionalism irrespective of the number of candidates.
  • To keep the interest of talented applicants throughout the process, recognising that they may also have interest and applications with other organisations.

An acknowledgement letter/email can also be used to include specific instructions or actions that the applicant is required to do such as completing an online survey.

Some employers will have automated software processes and will use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This resource is more helpful for those that are manually providing the acknowledgement to applicants and can be amended to meet the unique needs of their organisation and the tone of their culture and language used.

Members who require further assistance can contact us or call Ai Group's Workplace Advice Line on 1300 55 66 77.

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