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Supply Circles: The new challenge for ex-Defence personnel in your Supply Chains with Rhiannon Willis, Commercial Lawyer, Ai Group

To coincide with Anzac Day, this episode unpacks the concerning emerging issue for ex-Defence personnel in your business and your supply chain. The Defence Amendment (Safeguarding Australia’s Military Secrets) Bill 2023 came into law in Australia on the 8th April 2024. The act has two arms: the first impacts ex-Defence personnel and ex-Department of Defence staff, the second affects ‘Australian citizens’. Both carry penalties up to 20 years imprisonment.

At face value, the need to safeguard Australian military secrets makes total sense- it’s a no-brainer…  but as the episode’s guest explains, the Act has raised concerns in the business community. To many, it looks like it achieved ‘The Law of Unexpected Consequences’. 

And today’s guest is not only perfect for the task at hand, she’s also a fascinating guest in her own right: Rhiannon Willis is an emerging leader in her field, a highly qualified lawyer. She has a history in procurement and business, and she is extremely knowledgeable in the impacts of this new regulation. James and Rhiannon have an engaging and interesting conversation. Well worth a listen.

In this episode, James learns about Rhiannon (an interesting tale) and her career to date (also fascinating) and then the two deep dive into the new regulations:

  • What is it?
  • How will it impact individuals and companies?
  • What might it mean for the hiring of highly trained ex-Defence people?
  • The possible implications for your upstream and downstream supply chains.
  • And more.

James and Rhiannon also discuss other current legal issue such as cyber-security and ESG.

And we find out of the connection between Rhiannon and England and Wales.

To find out more about SAMS, here are some helpful links:

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James Scotland

After a long career in multiple aspects of supply chain management, corporate training and business advisory, James brings a business improvement mindset to his role as General Manager of Supply Chain Resilience for Ai Group. A skilled communicator and adviser, James has been involved with Oil & Gas, the Defence industry and supply chain across the board for over 40 years.

James has a Masters degree in International Management and a partially completed Doctor of Business Administration. He says he'll get around to finishing it when he retires.