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Louise McGrath has been working in international trade for decades and now represents Ai Group and Australian industry at global industry meetings around the world.

In this engaging conversation James and Louise share humorous stories  and insights into the keys to effective cross-cultural communication in business, supply chains and international meetings.

Louise also share her thoughts on the current state of international trade and what it means for Australian business.

Industry topics discussed include:

  • The current effectiveness of Free Trade Agreement’s
  • The implications for Australian business with the USA Inflation Reduction Act
  • Insights into international trade meetings
  • The future of digital trade documents.

The two have a lively discussion on international communication including

  • The impact of the power differential
  • The importance of words vs intent in communications
  • An understanding of socials norms and being positive
  • And much more.

James and Louise are clearly good at communicating with each other and with the world at large, and this is a fun conversation of serious topics.

Worth a listen!

James Scotland

After a long career in multiple aspects of supply chain management, corporate training and business advisory, James brings a business improvement mindset to his role as General Manager of Supply Chain Resilience for Ai Group. A skilled communicator and adviser, James has been involved with Oil & Gas, the Defence industry and supply chain across the board for over 40 years.

James has a Masters degree in International Management and a partially completed Doctor of Business Administration. He says he'll get around to finishing it when he retires.