• What are some recent changes to my Modern Award that I should know about?
  • How do I make an individual flexibility arrangement under an Award?
  • What do I need to know about engaging a part time employee?
  • What are the different ways that overtime gets triggered?

If you are asking some of these questions then Ai Group's Modern Awards training will benefit you.

This 1.5 hour session for HR/IR Advisers, Payroll Advisers and Managers explores theSocial, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 in detail. The session works through the key clauses methodically and also focuses on interaction with the National Employment Standards and the Fair Work Act 2009. In addition to in-depth explanations, our highly experienced presenter will work through practical and complex scenarios.

Ai Group approaches each client’s situation as unique to their context and strategic objectives. Our programs can be customised further in terms of content and duration. We will discuss and agree any detailed customisation with you as we do charge additional fees for customising our standard training programs.

The benefits for participants:

Obtain an update on recent Fair Work Commission changes to Modern Awards

  • Gain a better understanding of their legislative compliance requirements
  • Determine the key award clauses from a practical point of view through detailed explanations
  • Australian Industry Group interpretations and working examples
  • Recognise the relationship between Modern Awards and the National Employment Standards
  • Identify the association between Modern Awards, contracts of employment and enterprise agreements
  • Date and time

    Wed, 19 Feb 2025
    10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

  • Location
    Online Via Zoom Conferencing
  • Cost

    Members: $140.00

    Non-Members: $155.00

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