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Supply Circles: 'The state of the nation' with Innes Willox, CEO Australian Industry Group

Everyone’s favourite CEO returns to the podcast to talk us through the current issue facing the Australian economy, and what impact could they have on business operations.

Innes delivers a masterclass in macro-economics covering such as issues as:

  • The upcoming Federal election: when will it be held and who will win.
  • The latest on the significant changes to Workplace Relations laws, why Ai Group is running an extensive marketing campaign to highlight the issues and what businesses need to do to not get caught out.
  • Why the conduct of the CFMEU is unacceptable, why Ai Group’s has strongly called for the construction part of the union to be deregistered. And what this means for businesses in other sector.
  • Why the new ‘Safeguarding Australian Military Secretes’ Act is having an immediate and worrisome impact on business resulting in unexpected (and unacceptable) consequences. Innes calls this ‘complete over -reach by government).
  • The impact of ongoing inflation and why this is creating an economy operating at different speeds and with different success.
  • The impact of geopolitics and other global activity on the economy and the uncertainty this is causing businesses in Australian and around the world.
  • What’s going on with Australian Ports and why efficiency and productivity needs to be increased.
  • Why there is not ‘magic bullet’ to solving the challenges of the Australian economy, especially in terms of Digitalisation and Decarbonisation.
  • And much more more.

This is a MUST-LISTEN episode, especially for businesspeople keen to get deep insights intothe challenges facing Australia.. and what to do about it.

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James Scotland

After a long career in multiple aspects of supply chain management, corporate training and business advisory, James brings a business improvement mindset to his role as General Manager of Supply Chain Resilience for Ai Group. A skilled communicator and adviser, James has been involved with Oil & Gas, the Defence industry and supply chain across the board for over 40 years.

James has a Masters degree in International Management and a partially completed Doctor of Business Administration. He says he'll get around to finishing it when he retires.