"Ai Group welcomes the SA State Budget's projects and programs aimed at lifting the local economy and creating jobs," Stephen Myatt, South Australian Head of the national employer association Ai Group said today.

"Ai Group is particularly pleased with the extension of payroll tax concessions and waivers which will help businesses get through the pandemic and encourage those more fortunate to employ more workers.

"We also welcome the decision to defer payroll tax on new apprenticeships or traineeships over the next 12 months. However, we still believe there is a need for all governments to address the potential disconnect for University and TAFE graduates in the wake of this pandemic and consider a national cadetship program.

"The infrastructure spend is necessary and extensive. It will provide opportunities for local businesses.

"It is clear, as the Treasurer has indicated, that South Australia needs a stimulus package that is ongoing until the unemployment rate declines significantly and we believe this Budget is a bold beginning," Mr Myatt said.

Further comment: Stephen Myatt – 0419 818 048